Representative Kyle Koehler served from January 1st, 2015 to December 31st 2022. During that time, Koehler worked on a number of legislative issues. While the following bills all had his name as the primary sponsor – none of these bills could have passed without support and his ability to get 49 other State Reps, and at least 17 Senators, and a Governor to support them.All were passed with bipartisan support. He successfully amended four of them into other bills to accomplish passage.
Again, none of this happened without support of the people in his district and his former colleagues in the Ohio House.
131st GENERAL ASSEMBLY (2015-2016)
House Bill 5 – Allowed the State Auditor to do feasibility studies for state agencies and local public offices to determine if greater efficiency or cost savings could be realized by sharing services, facilities or equipment. (Effective 9/14/16)
House Bill 20 – Allows a concealed handgun permit holder to enter school "gun free zones" when dropping off or picking up any person, document, or item - provided the permit holder leaves the handgun locked in the motor vehicle when exiting the vehicle. Amended into SB199. (Effective 3/21/17)
House Bill 185 – Expands the offense of arson to protect abandoned structures where proof of the owner’s consent cannot be determined. Allows prosecutors to use an affirmative defense allowing prosecution of arsonists when the arsonist claims they “had owner’s permission”. (Effective 3/21/17)
132nd GENERAL ASSEMBLY (2017-2018)
House Bill 9 – Narrows a provision of law that authorized a vehicle to proceed through an intersection if the traffic control signal was malfunctioning. It fixed an error that was passed in a bill during the 131st GA that would have allowed cars to run red lights. (Effective 4/30/2017)
House Bill 30 – Destiny’s Law increased the penalty for an additional six years for an offender who is convicted of felonious assault which causes permanent disabling harm of an individual under 10 years of age. (Passed as companion bill Senate Bill 20 - Hackett)
House Bill 123 – The Fairness In Lending Act. Passed to reform payday lending in the state of Ohio to stop predatory lenders from charging fees and interest that averaged 591% APR and brought the first reform of payday lending in over a decade. (Effective 4/27/2019)
House Bill 321 – Creating the Lions Club license plate (successfully amended into the omnibus license plate bill for 132nd GA)
House Bill 477 – Repealed and eliminated various portions of the Ohio Revised Code related to various outdated and obsolete provisions for primary and secondary education in Ohio. Basically cleaning up no longer used or outdated language pertaining to education. (Effective 4/8/19)
133rd GENERAL ASSEMBLY (2019-2020)
House Bill 263 – The Fresh Start Act. Prohibits almost all state licensing boards from prohibiting those with criminal records, who are five or more years past conviction, prison or probation from being denied an occupational license that are required for almost 20% of all jobs in Ohio. (Effective 10/9/21)
House Bill 409 – Cleans up regulations regarding attendance and absence tracking for Ohio e-schools. Additional provisions were added to waive a number of requirements for the 2020-2021 school year due to issues with the COVID related shutdown of schools in Ohio. (Effective 1/7/21 and 4/12/21)
House Bill 796 – Repealing the “Duty To Retreat” when an individual or family member is faced with a threat of severe bodily harm or death and they are anywhere they are legally allowed to be with a firearm. Amended into SB175 – Schaffer. (Effective 4/6/2021)
134th GENERAL ASSEMBLY (2021-2022)
House Bill 21 – Increasing the voluntary amount for contributions to the Second Chance Trust Fund when applying for drivers license or selecting the “Donate Life” license plate for an automobile. These funds will be directed towards education about organ donation in Ohio. (Effective Date 10/1/22)
House Bill 67 – Emergency bill to change testing requirements and dates for the 2020-2021 school year due to force COVID related shutdowns. Also altered graduation requirements for the 2020-2021 school year among other education related requirements. (Effective Date 3/20/21)
House Bill 564 – Expands the category of part-time township employees related to first responders (Fire and EMS) for townships with less than 50 full time employees. Successfully amended into HB377. (Effective 9/27/22)
House Bill 507 – Changed Ohio law regarding the number of poultry chicks required for purchase from six to three. A changed requested by 4H participants that can only show one turkey but are required by Ohio law to purchase at least six. The bill also took on a number of amendments related to food processing and inspection, pesticide use, green energy definitions and permitting for drilling under state owned properties. (Effective Date 4/8/23)
House Bill 720 – Designate a portion of State Route 40 in Eastern Clark County the Sheriff Deputy Matthew Yates Memorial Highway. Successfully amended into HB578. - (Effective Date 4/5/23)
There are numerous other bills Koehler co-sponsored that others carried that also became law (including the Heartbeat Bill and Constitutional Carry, but these are the ones he successfully carried and passed.