Kyle Koehler Receives Congressman Dave Hobson Distinguished Service Award
Clark County Republican Party honors Kyle Koehler for his service.
The Clark County Republican Party held their annual Lincoln Day Dinner in downtown Springfield on February 20th, 2014.
Since 1992, the Clark County Republican Men's Club has sponsored the Congressman Dave Hobson Distinguished Service Award in association with the Clark County Republican Party.
The award reads:
"In recognition of outstanding service to the Republican Party. This award is presented in honor of one who served his fellow man and nation with distinction in time of war and peace."
This year Kyle Koehler received this year's award for his service to the local party.
Kyle has spent the last four years as Vice President (2010-2011) and President (2012-2013) of the Republican Men's Club. He also serves as the Treasurer for the Clark County Republican Party. Koehler is the Vice President of the K.K. Tool Co. Inc.
Besides running for county office in 2012, Kyle helped lead a youth effort for the Romney/Ryan campaign out of the party headquarters that included over 125 junior high and high school students and many of their parents from the Clark County area.
"I am honored to be included with the many names associated with this award over the past 22 years. I believe service to the community is so very important. Those who serve and sacrifice in our armed services give so much more. It is important that those of us who don't wear a uniform - remember that we need to be active supporting at home what they protect abroad."
Kyle Koehler is currently running for the Ohio's 79th District seat in the Ohio House.